President Barack Obama on Wednesday called Alaska's proposed natural gas pipeline "promising" as a national energy resource and pledged to discuss it with Canadian leaders during his February 19 trip to Ottawa.
"As I mentioned during the campaign, I actually think that for us to move forward on the natural gas pipeline as part of a comprehensive energy strategy -- that includes both more production as well as greater efficiency -- makes a lot of sense," Obama said.
The pipeline entered the national consciousness this fall when as a vice presidential candidate, Palin touted her work at pushing the project through the Alaska Legislature. The pipeline, a dream of Alaska governors since the 1970s, has an estimated price tag of at least $30 billion.
The Alaska Legislature last summer granted TransCanada Corp. an exclusive state license to build the gas line, which would start on Alaska's North Slope and cross Canada to reach U.S. markets. The Calgary-based company has already been promised $500 million in state subsidies and up to $20 billion in federal loan guarantees.
Could somebody give President Obama the FULL picture regarding this pipeline?
(full report in the ADN)
Picture by Wings-of-dust, deviantART