C4P are all ablaze with their webathon to retire Sarah Palin's legal debts. They're asking for e-mails from all the people who donated before the event so they can add their donations to the total. How would they show the webathon was a success if they're jumbling all the figures together? The final figure might be whatever it was BEFORE and the webathon won't mean anything, it could amount to some loose change, for all we know.
Much ado about nothing...
But what's really exciting is the feud between the two major Sarah Palin fan clubs!
Comments at C4P:
"Not a fan of the way TS is handling this. Sorry. I simply do not understand why they would not be enthusiastic about working with C4P or any other group with common goals on a project like this."
"Team Sarah is all about promoting Team Sarah, religious and conspiracy kooks! They do more harm to Sarah than good!"
"Hmm, TS took dwn my post containing the webathon email address. I think they want to help but are feeling territorial about it. They point out they would rather it be called the "sarah palin" webathon. As if it's called the C4P webathon now? Anyway."
"Yes. I am NOT one bit surprised. There have been thousands of us, who are extreme Sarah supporters, who have left Team Sarah because they are about Team Sarah MUCH more than they are about supporting her. I, and many others who would support Sarah to our deaths, have been ban from TS more times than I can count on both hands. That said - If I though for one minute Sarah supported even 1/2 the crap that's posted there I'd drop her in a NY minute!"
Over at Team Sarah:
Team Sarah is J E A L O U S
"I'm surprise you guys on TS do not have the web-a-thon C4P initiative on your home(front) page. We should be all in this together. If one Sarah group has a good initiative, lets all join together and promote it. Me think this way we can all make a united collective progress which the bottom line is to promote Sarah Palin and the views she represent. But your nonchalance towards the initiative has lead me to think TS is jealous. Consider?"
"I just talked to the Team Sarah staff and they said they will put it on the front page today."
So I visited the front page of Team Sarah a minute ago. Nothing about the C4P webathon, only this:
Appeal from The Alaska Fund Trust We received an email last night from the trustee for the Alaska Fund Trust asking for our help as they seek to retire the legal fees debt accrued as a result of all those frivilous lawsuits.
The direct link to the fund is here: http://www.thealaskafundtrust.com/donate/. We will be supporting them directly with our own banner and etc. (posted by their big cheese, Bill Collier)
I'm coming to the conclusion that Sarah Palin is not only divisive herself, as seen in the campaign, but that EVERYTHING connected to her ends in divisiveness.
Even her most ardent supporters are divided. Very soon they will be calling each other "haters"!
The C4Pee who called Team Sarah religious kooks has a point. This is a post from a member of TS:
"I am going to reveal a "God moment" I had on November 8, 2008.I was on my knees, praying for Sarah...the Media was destroying every aspect of her humanity: her career, her reputation, her family, her life. I was overwhelmed and physically shaken by the vast and devastating breadth of the Media's hatred for Sarah...the fact that the rich and powerful in the Republican Party turned their backs on one of their own...oh, Team Sarah you will never know how mad, frustrated and disgusted I was.
So...as I prayed, I asked God what do I do? Besides praying for Sarah...what can I do? She'd given so much from her Servant's heart...she'd fought so hard...she'd stayed so brave...and I felt so powerless to help someone that I had begun to think of as a friend. At that moment, I felt physically compelled to open my Bible...and folks...this is the scripture that my eyes fell upon:
May those who rejoice at my troubles be humiliated and disgraced.
May those who triumph over me be covered with shame and dishonor. But give great joy to those who had stood with me in my defense. Let them continually say, "Great is the Lord, who enjoys helping his servant."
Then I will tell everyone of your justice and goodness, and I will praise you all day long!
At that moment I was energized with hope and joy! I knew God wanted me to fight in Sarah's defense...I knew he wanted me to slip on my combat boots and dig in for a long, hellish fight. Folks...this battle is just beginning...but, oh, I do feel joy. I DO FEEL JOY...even in the midst of all the Lettermans and the Keith Olbermanns and the Arriana Huffingtons and the "anonymous sources" of the world....I do feel great joy standing in Sarah's defense!"
Be afraid, be very afraid!
(Team Sarah material via "The Messenger")