When she was Governor in Alaska, Sarah Palin was as transparent as the Soviet Politbureau, but then she very well knows that her cult-like followers will swallow with joy everything that is uttered by the Quitter Queen - her word is gospel.
I went to the website of C4P today in order to see what the mood in Sarahland is like - after two defeats (NY-23 and Health Care) for Sarah Palin within a few days, they surely would be unhappy. Right?
Well, what I encountered in the comments on C4P is a parallel world which in these days is more extreme than ever - and although we are quite used to this right-wing parallel world right now, a world in which Sarah Palin will be "the Governor" forever, I thought that it would be worthwhile presenting some artefacts from yesterday and today which I found on C4P.
Let's begin with a rather harmless observation. Palinbots love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings - just like "normal people", sweet (please click on the pictures to enlarge):

The very existence of the Republic now depends on Sarah Palin - naturally:

Here is a truly interesting thought by a concerned Palinbot: Because of the gift of health care, everybody will now vote for the Democrats - and then "we are so royally screwed":

People "will be fleeing America" - sure! I recommend the UK - they don't have to learn a new language, and they would get free healthcare without having to pay for anything - apart from taxes, which are not very high. However, a true Palinbot would certainly not use these monuments of socialism which are called hospitals in the UK and rather suffer proudly at home, right? Nancy knows:

Civil disobedience now is of course the duty of any true American patriot - goes without saying! After all, only commies want insurance. Will Sarah Palin, the true patriot, take the initiative and give up her health insurance?

Not to forget, Republican Rep. Joseph Cao now deserves the death penalty for voting with the Democrats - or worse:

Now it's getting a bit more - militaristic, let's say. After all, Sarah loves the military, so her imaginative supporters try to find the right words:

From here, we continue our journey and enter the "creepy" territory. You could call it the "secret service area". But surely they all just make fun, yes, hahaha, how funny is that! Not to be taken seriously, SURELY! Examples:

Here ends our little visit to the world of the Palinbots. I hope you have enjoyed it - NOT! Let's now leave the Palinbots to themselves again - as dissenters are kept out of C4P, due to their fancy new commenting system in which they can ban commenters and IP addresses instantly. Dissent is not wanted in Sarahland. But who needs an open discussion, when dictating the rules through facebook is so much more fun?
Please also have a look at Bree's post from today, where she analyzes comments which Sarah's fans have left on Sarah's facebook. Even scarier over there - some people very openly suggest to kill Obama!