Imagine you wake up from a bad dream, and you realise that the world is still bad, because Sarah Palin had won the election the day before and will be the Vice-President soon - one heartbeat away from the Presidency. Now we can accurately recreate what the evening of victory for Sarah Palin on November 4, 2008 would have looked like. The authors of the new book "Sarah from Alaska", Shushannah Walshe and Scott Conroy, got hold of the original victory speech (as well as the concession speech) which had been drafted for Sarah Palin for this election night. The Daily Beast thankfully made it available to us today - let the nightmare begin!
Victory speech:
"(...) It’s been just 68 days since that afternoon in Dayton, Ohio, when Senator McCain introduced me as his running mate. He is truly the maverick. He took a chance on me. I will always be grateful for that. It will be the honor of a lifetime to work him as vice president of the United States. And I pledge to govern with integrity, and goodwill, and clear conviction, and a servant’s heart.
It’s not always easy in politics to see the best in our opponents. But we have seen the grace and skill of Barack Obama, and the grit and determination of Joe Biden. By his nomination and extraordinary campaign, Barack Obama has achieved a great thing, for himself and for our country, and for that America will always honor him. I say God bless you, Senator Obama, and your beautiful family.
As for my own family, well, it’s been quite a journey these past 69 days. We were ready, in defeat, to return to a place and a life we love. And I said to my husband Todd that it’s not a step down when he’s no longer Alaska’s “First Dude.” He will now be the first guy ever to become the “Second Dude.”
Along the way in this campaign, it was Todd, as always, who helped with the children, gave me advice, and kept me strong. There are a lot of men in this world could learn a few things from Todd Palin, and I am so lucky that he is still my guy. And my luck began long before then, in having parents like Chuck and Sally Heath…and then blending into an accepting, loyal, fun, and diverse family.
Had it gone the other way tonight, we would not have returned in sorrow to the great State of Alaska. We would have carried with us memories that are forever, and joyful experiences that do not depend on victory.
I will remember all the people who said they were praying for me—you prayer warriors have been my strength and my shield. I will remember all the Blue Star Moms, and the special bond we share…all the veterans of war and former POW’s I had the honor of meeting. I will remember the working people of this country who put their faith in us…the folks who run our factories, grow our food, teach our children, and fight our wars… men and women like the construction worker and new American citizen who said at one of our rallies: “I was born in Columbia, but I was made in the USA.”

And for their example and their love, I will remember with gratitude all the families with special needs children. How could I ever forget the sight of a banner held up high to say “We Are Here For Trig”? How could I ever forget a boy like Charlie, a fine young man we met at a rally in Florida who has Down Syndrome? Charlie and I swapped email addresses, and the last time he replied he said, “By the way, please don’t call me ‘darlin’—it’s not tough enough.” So, tonight, a special shout-out to you, Chuck…darlin’. And let me repeat what I told you, because it applies to you and to all children and adults with special needs across America: You are beautiful, and I am so proud to know that my boy Trig will grow up to be just like you.
And I promise you: These next four years, families with special needs—and every family in America—can know that they have a friend and advocate in the White House.
In this campaign, we held to the belief that our country is still that “shining city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan spoke of so many years ago. And tonight, we have chosen a man ready and worthy to lead such a country.
In this campaign, I’ve had the rare enough privilege of praising a candidate whose story, character, and personal heroism require no embellishment. I said things about him—about how he has served and what he has overcome—that he could not say about himself, because he is that kind of man. He has faced long odds before, but he has never quit, never relented, and tonight America rewarded a lifetime of service, honor, and valor.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct privilege of being the first to introduce him as the President-elect of United States of America—John S. McCain."
That should be enough for now - read the full victory speech and the concession speech here at the Daily Beast. Now let's get back to work again and make sure that such a thing like Sarah Palin winning a Presidential election will never, ever happen. Because they can put lipstick on a pig - for a short while, then the true colour will shine through again.