Thursday, 5 November 2009

Open thread - G'day from Melbourne

After our epic journey to Australia, we're beginning to feel a bit better from the jet lag.

The blogs are on fire, there's a lot going on! I haven't been able to read everything due to limited access to the internet, but I have the impression things are imploding in the Sarah Palin camp.

I'm glad Sarah's candidate lost in New York, it's very good to know that there are sensible people out there and common sense prevailed.

Levi seems to be very busy on the talk show circuit, but I don't think we'll hear anything terribly exciting from him. The Babygate discussion is very lively, but I personally think that identifying Trig's parents would be a bonus, what really matters is that Sarah Palin didn't give birth to him.

Patrick and Kathleen are doing a fantastic job, not only keeping the blog active, but adding a richer dimension to it. It's very odd being a reader of my own blog... I like it.

Celtic Diva has a must read post about the Juneteenth lawsuit and other bits and pieces. Don't miss it.

That's all for now, folks.

I'll keep following the discussions and say hello again soon.