Fox News just published parts of a new interview with Sarah Palin which was conducted yesterday in The Villages in Florida. The interviewer for Fox News was an incredible naive person called Gretchen Carlson, who just so totally believed everything that Sarah said. Gretchen wrote a short report about the interview HERE.
For the first time I can remember, Sarah openly talks in more detail about the possibility of a third party, after asked by Gretchen Carlson if the formation of a "commonsense conservative party" could be a possibility:
"If the Republican party doesn't get its act together, doesn't do some internal housecleaning, and makes sure that we are applying the principles that ARE the Republican party" - well, then something could happen, although Palin doesn't get much more specific (in part 2, from 2:26).
In this interview, Sarah Palin also doesn't rule out Glenn Beck as a running mate for 2012 - again (she says "we will see"). In the clip, she seems to be joking, but just a few days ago, Sarah Palin said:
"I can envision a couple of different combinations, if ever I were to be in a position to really even seriously consider running for anything in the future, and I'm not there yet. But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way. And he's so bold – I have to respect that. He calls it like he sees it, and he's very, very, very effective."

As so often, there is more madness.
Our readers alerted us to a video of a crazy preacher from THIS CHURCH (Glory of Zion Ministries in Denton, Texas, run by Charles "Chuck" Pierce).
So this woman in the video basically says that the Lord said "again" to her many times when God was talking to her. She then continues to say that the word "again" in Greek apparently translates as "palin", and that therefore Sarah Palin is the "Chosen One". Watch for yourself:
Well, you could just dismiss this video and say that this woman has completely lost her marbles, nothing important, just another crazy preacher, end of story.
But thanks to our attentive readers, we know that the crazyness is not confined to some whacko preachers in Texas. This kind of crazyness is firmly established with her most fanatical and faithful supporters. One example is the new "lead woman" from the ultra-crazies at C4P, Adrienne Ross. Today in the comments at C4P, a reader of C4P alerted Adrienne Ross to this video. So how does she respond? Does she say something like "oh, yeah, thanks for the support, but that's a bit over the top, isn't it"?
Nooooooooooo! (has to be the big long Palin-neeewww...)
Adrienne Ross answered today:
"Thank you for this link. I watched the video. It is a confirmation! After watching, there is such a burning in the pit of my stomach. Very interesting. I never knew about the word "Palin," but I certainly concur that the Lord has called her for this hour. What He is going to do will shake the nation--especially the naysayers.
God bless you."
Screenshot (click to enlarge):

Adrienne Ross just assisted Sarah Palin during her book signing in Rochester, NY, standing next to Sarah Palin and handing her the books, about which she wrote a long article on C4P (and she was hit by an egg which was meant to hit Sarah Palin...).
From the description in the article, it's quite clear that Adrienne Ross thinks that Sarah Palin is some kind of godlike creature - or at least a prophet (maybe a cross-over with an angel, you never know). She wrote in her article about the book signing:
The governor was greeted by everyone in the back who awaited her arrival. I was last in that receiving line, and she gave me a warm hug, and we conversed briefly before she went out to sign for over a thousand waiting people. It's funny because the first time I met her in New York, I felt like I did all the talking. This time she talked, and I was humbled by what she said. All I could do when she spoke to me was reciprocate her own words, for they were more of what I wanted to say to her than what I expected her to say to me. I especially cherish the last two words she spoke to me prior to heading out to the people. It wasn't like she spoke them to me; it was more like she spoke them into me. I thanked her and then said the same to her, for they so apply to her. I know you'd like to know what she said, but that's one of those things I will keep to myself. Sorry...
The best part of being at the table with the governor, however, was watching the people's interaction with her. I found myself overwhelmed at times. She has touched so many lives. People were approaching her in line, and as they came near, I could see some suppressing tears. Others just let them flow. One woman said she had told herself she would not cry. Others were shaking. Of course, over and over, people were staring and saying, "She's so beautiful!" I remember hearing that in both Auburn and Alaska. I will repeat what I said when I first met her: television and pictures do not do justice to how beautiful she is, and you could see that on the faces and hear it on the lips of those gathered. They were in awe. She possesses both an inward and outward radiance.
I felt inspired by Adrienne to dig a bit deeper into the religious connections of Sarah Palin, and I found an article by the far-right Moonie-run "Washington Times" from September 4, 2008 ("Evangelical faith drives Palin's pro-Israel view"), in which they explained:
Mrs. Palin was baptized as a teenager at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church. She frequently attends the Juneau Christian Center, which is also part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God. Her home church is the Church of the Rock, an independent congregation.
"Historically, the Assemblies of God have been dispensationalists, which means they believe in 'the rapture' of Christians that takes them out of the world," said Mr. Matthews. "Central to that position is a very strong support for Israel. It's integral to their view of both prophecy and politics. Denying Israel is almost like denying the faith."
The rapture! Oh, what was that again?
John Hagee, a particularly nasty preacher, explains it - in a new clip which is worth watching:
I am sure we will revisit the rapture at some point.
Believe it or not, I found a new funny clip today, too (although with Palin, everything is just sad, even the fun...).
It turns out that Sarah is keen privatize the Canadian health care system! Good Lawd, is nothing safe from the wicked witch of Wasilla?
Think Progress reports:
Canadian comedian Mary Walsh (playing the character of Marg Delahunty) attended a Sarah Palin book signing in the United States last week and asked the “thrilla from Wasilla, the Alaskan Aphrodite” if she had “any words of encouragement for the Canadian conservatives who have worked so hard to try to diminish that kind of socialized medicine we have up there.”
“Keep the faith and that common-sense conservatism,” Palin said to Walsh, who was being pushed out of the store by bodyguards. “It needs to be plugged into Canadian policies too. Keep the faith!” Palin cried out.
After the event, Walsh waited in the loading dock of the Borders bookstore “close to where Palin’s bus was parked.” Palin came over and energetically encouraged Walsh to “keep the faith” again and suggested that Canada needs to reform its health care system to “let the private sector take over”:
WALSH: Ms. Palin, I tried to ask you a question inside, but I didn’t hear your answer! The Canadians! Ms. Palin!
PALIN: Well, my answer was too keep the faith. My answer was to keep the faith. Cause that common sense conservatism can be plugged-in there in Canada too. In fact Canada needs to reform its health care system and let the private sector take over some of what the government has absorbed. So thank you, keep the faith.
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