I honestly think that not even Sarah herself knows what her position on foreign policy is, therefore it was probably to much too ask of her supporters. Damned, the gotcha media again!
One guy says that he watches a lot of Fox News. Well, there he might have seen things like the following:

Wonkette discusses this screenshot from this Fox News:
All 193% of Republicans Support Palin, Romney and Huckabee
Now for the good news:
This article which appeared in the San Franciso Chronicle reminds us that Palin's supporters constitute only a small part of the population:
The new autobiography by moose hunter and failed vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is harder to find in the Bay Area than a hockey mom. Some bookstores figure it's one of those grit-your-teeth First Amendment deals that principled booksellers must put up with from time to time.
But many nonchain bookstores won't handle it.
"Our customers are thinking people," said Nathan Embretson, a bookseller at Pendragon Books in Oakland. "They're not into reading drivel."
There's not a single copy on the shelf. Embretson said no one has asked for it except for one guy, who was kidding.
"He said he wanted to look at it but he also said he didn't really want to read it," Embretson said. "Anyway, he certainly didn't want to buy it. I think he regarded looking at it as a kind of punishment."
Please click on the title of the blogpost or CLICK HERE before using the toolbar below for sharing.
This is the saddest piece of video I have seen in terms of the general "common sense" level of American citizens in my entire lifetime.
I feel so ashamed.
Wow. Just wow. I don't know whether to pity these people or hide from them. Sarah is using these mentally challenged individuals to line her pockets. Sarah - since you are such a good Christian, I hope you know realize there is a special place in hell just for you. Shameful.
And a whole entire almost 20% of the United States will admit to being a Republican.
No on has won the presidency without gaining the independent vote. If SP goes Conservative 3rd party, she certainly won't split the Democratic Party.
I must say that the guy doing these interviews was GREAT the way he totally made them feel like he was not putting them on the spot. And you could tell that they were glad when he stepped in w/ a follow-up question to let them off the hook on the first one. lol
I don't know how he kept a straight face. But he was excellent.
I would love to see this video, but I have tried three different times and it just loads unbelievably slow, stopping every three seconds to reload.
Did anyone else have this problem? I'm on Mozilla which is normally pretty good.
O/T but I've been reading the comments following Andrew Sullivan's column in the UK Times. (I'm wondering why there are only 26 comments at this time.) The main thread being discussed in these comments is the Wild Ride and the improbability of any sane (or actually pregnant) woman risking her baby's life by getting on that flight. So now my prediction: Now Sarah will throw dear old dad under the bus and disavow what he said about her water breaking. She was careful to dodge that in her book. So, yep, I'm saying that Chuck Palin is the next one that she will say is "makin' stuff up!" If not exactly that, she will say that he "mispoke" when he offered that tidbit up to the press. She will HAVE to do that; it's the only way out of that lie.
Geez, I hope I'm not giving Sarah any ideas!
Clarence Bigsby for Sarah 2012
anon @ 22.04
She could try what you suggest but there is a problem if she does. You see she was interviewed by the ADN. It has been captured on audio.....and she talks about it......it will be a bit difficult for her to suddenly explain away.
Wow. That video was produced very well.
I don't blame her supporters - it's their right to choose who they believe and support. (Although, I do feel very sorry for them...I sincerely despise Fox & co. for exploiting citizens with their brand of "journalism".)
My problem is with the person-in-question. SP is an idiot. That she is a laughingstock across the face of this planet is a fact. There really should be some sort of qualifying test to be considered for politics (i.e., like having an actual policy plan in place. Not the party talking-points. Also, should be a rule that each talking-point buzzword can only be used by one politician. By that, only Cheney can use the word "dither", etc., etc.)
Also, references to invisible forces should be banned from pure policy. Hey, I can dream can't I?
Well, I finally got the thing to load and I watched the whole tape. I feel sort of dirty after watching this parade of white America parading their lack of knowledge of the world and our country.
I don't feel superior to these people. I just feel scared they exist.
When did home skoolin take off? About 30 years ago? About the time Reagan got in?
She can weasel her way around the 'water breaking'
(maybe it was really just pee ?)
But WHY IN THE WORLD did she brag in her book about having contractions while giving her speech ?
That was new information and contradicts what she said earlier about 'things settling down'.
I'm sure the airlines just love it when ladies having contractions climb on for a ride !
Anonymous 22:15
Here is a short test for Sarah Palin
that I put up on my blog. I also wrote yesterday about the fact that I think if she were given a quiz on all the political terms she throw around, she would likely fail. :-)
Oh, lord. I don't know if I should be scared or embarrassed. A combination of both, I think.
Those were great questions the interviewer asked. Really had to make some of those people think twice about why they support SP. I would hope they'd go home and maybe do a bit of research, now.
Sad and pathetic.
If Palin supporters were the majority, then that would simply be the end of America and the official beginning of "Idiocracy".
Fortunately, they are not the majority!
It's time to fix the education system in America. Palin supporters prove that is broken.
They are pitiful sycophants.
By Jamie Smith.
cool Inkspot blog
It's ok to feel superior to these fools. Really, it is. It's also not fair to categorize all Americans as embarrassing or to be embarrassed being an American. These followers are the fringe. They are not the majority, no matter how much Faux "news" tries to pretend they are so representative of me or you.
They ought to be embarrassed by themselves. If they aren't, they deserve $P and she deserves them. Perhaps they will all be raptured together...
WV= undadie LOL
The author's father wandered around a US military base opining that our Commander in Chief is "scary?"
How could Palin's dad do this and why did the base allow it?
she should NOT be allowed on Ft Hood under any circumstances.
SHAME on her father.
Anon at 22:52
Where did you get that information? If that is correct, we need to call Ft Hood and stringently oppose Palin's event.
OMG, that screenshot is far beyond hilarious. Says it all about Fake News, doesn't it? ROFLMAO
Palin's father, who greeted supporters as his daughter signed copies of the book, said in an interview that Obama's handling of the military was "scary."
"I see a decline in our might," Chuck Heath said. "People used to be afraid of us and respect us, (but) they're not afraid of us and don't respect us anymore."
Chuck Heath: Blowhard
Anon 22:52
I know that they asked Sarah Palin not to speak, so it was reported in the article I read that she signed her books, smiled and waved, and got on the bus. Where did you get the rest of the info about her dad?
Across the street from Russia !!!!!!!
Palin's father, who greeted supporters as his daughter signed copies of the book, said in an interview that Obama's handling of the military was "scary."
"I see a decline in our might," Chuck Heath said. "People used to be afraid of us and respect us, (but) they're not afraid of us and don't respect us anymore."
The former Alaska governor began a nationwide tour last week to promote a new memoir, "Going Rogue." She also has a planned visit to Fort Hood, Texas, on Dec. 4 — just a month after 12 people were killed there in a shooting rampage.
Chuck Heath doesn't know the difference between respect and fear, when he mouths off at Ft. Bragg. That ignorance might be part of the explanation of why his daughter's head is so messed up.
It simply amazes me, how her followers all seem to be so unimformed and plain stupid!
I couldn't even bring myself to watch the entire tape--halfway was the best I could do.
Now I am heading for the shower, need to feel clean again.
Had Sarah been shot up with Pinocchio serum prior to the vetting, the immediate growth of the length of her nose would have tipped off Schmidt that the more truthful answer to the one skeleton in the closet question would have been, as The National Enquirer subsequently reported with no push back from Team Sarah, “cuckolding Todd when he was working on the North Slope by hooking up with Brad Hanson, Todd’s business partner in the Polaris snow machine sales business Brad and Todd owned in Wasilla.”
-- From an excellent review of Sarah Palin: An American Lie, here.
The people appearing that video are unable to see a difference between themselves and a person with a moderate amount of intellectual curiousity and a tiny bit of knowledge of current affairs. If shown themselves on the video, they would be pleased with their performance.
I've graded college-level exam papers written by people like this. When confronted with the fact what they wrote is incoherent, they say "well, you can tell what I meant". Articulating an idea convincingly is not only impossible, it is distasteful to them. They are a product of an education system that boosted their self-esteem and encouraged their sense of entitlement. They are ripe for the plucking by a code-word spewing manipulator whether it's Sarah Palin or another other puppet presented to the electorate by the real power seekers in America.
With luck, they will be kind to us in our old age. Because they will be running the country by then.
Anon 23:25
Yes, SP's ignorance may very well be explained by her father's own ignorance.
The scary thing (if anything else can ever be labeled scary after seeing this video) is that Chuck Palin used to be a teacher. Clearly, anyone can become a teacher in Alaska.
Andrew Sullivan today, re Rogue:
"It is my contention that all is not right here. In fact, something is very seriously wrong. This is not about destroying anyone. It is about saving a system that perpetrated an error as huge as this one. And we cannot save this system until we fully understand the depth of the scandal in front of us: that this clinically delusional person had a good chance of having her finger on the nuclear button. And still does if she is not fully vetted and understood. I intend to keep doing that until the whole truth is in front of us.
If you don't want to pursue that truth wherever it takes us, read someone else."
RE: weaseling out of the water breaking statement, as mentioned above by anon 22:04, 22:14, 22:18,
Sarah had better tread carefully if she tries that. After all, why induce? You would induce for A REASON. Remember, this was 4 or 5 weeks early, supposedly. You don't just go inducing for no reason. But one reason you do induce is because you don't want to go more than about 24 hours after the water breaking before delivery due to risk of infection. That seemed to be the reason in the case.
Other reasons could include some complication for mother or baby that makes you want to get the baby out early. But you also want to make sure that the baby's lungs are developed enough. You don't just go cavalierly inducing somebody 4 or 5 weeks early for no reason.
If there is fetal distress you might want the baby out right away, and even do a C-section. But if there WAS fetal distress, wouldn't an obvious conclusion be that the prolonged flights with water already broken caused or at least contributed to the fetal distress??
So good luck on weaseling out of the water breaking comment. There had to be a reason for the induction. So what was the reason, if the labor wasn't progressing and the baby was supposedly fine?
Sarah if you are reading this: that is why you should never have started to add in all these details. Because the more details, the more we can see how full of it you are. Quit making stuff up!
“Had Sarah been shot up with Pinocchio serum prior to the vetting, the immediate growth of the length of her nose would have tipped off Schmidt that the more truthful answer to the one skeleton in the closet question would have been, as The National Enquirer subsequently reported with no push back from Team Sarah, “cuckolding Todd when he was working on the North Slope by hooking up with Brad Hanson, Todd’s business partner in the Polaris snow machine sales business Brad and Todd owned in Wasilla.” Donald Craig Mitchell
Chuck Heath said WhAT???
That is just plain unacceptable ... why is the military allowing this woman on bases???
Sarah Palin's worst skeleton wasn't getting a 'D', it was “cuckolding Todd when he was working on the North Slope by hooking up with Brad Hanson, Todd’s business partner in the Polaris snow machine sales business Brad and Todd owned in Wasilla.”
Has anyone read the book and found when her 2nd "miscarriage" occurred? Was it about the time of her affair?
Will somebody tell Chuck Palin to put a sock in it?
They are all out in force, aren't they? By that I mean Sarah's immediate family. It has been said before in these comments, "Doesn't anyone care about her? Where is Todd on this book tour? Why is nobody supporting her?" Well, it is apparent Todd isn't, and Bristol is nowhere to be found, so mommy and Daddy and aunty and the littlest Palins have rallied round. Once again, isn't it obvious how closely the Palinites monitor this site?
It makes me spitting mad that Chuck Heath made that remark in an interview ON A MILITARY BASE about President Obama. The Army needs to ban Sarah Palin from coming to Ft. Hood and any other military installation. Well, I hope the dumbass commanding general of Ft. Bragg is real effing proud of himself, thinking oh no, it is not political to allow that fire-breathing hate-spewing bitch on Ft. Bragg. He has got to be one of those military folks that Leah Burton warned about on her blog "Gods Own Party?". Hey Leah, what do you know about him? I am really interested to know all about his religious views that oversteps his military position. An while we are at it, might as well learn what we can about the commanding general at Ft. Hood, since he has already given permission.
Why do they want to become involved in politics, if they think the end-of-time and rapture are at hand? Are they afraid of being left behind?
One of the videos from the Ft. Bragg appearance showed SP posing with some fans. I thought this was not allowed. (sorry appearance = visit, fans = customers)
wv = talishn
Why do they want to become involved in politics, if they think the end-of-times and rapture are at hand? Are they afraid of being left behind?
"Sarah Palin's Hagiography Strains Federal Law at Ft Bragg"
Has anyone read the essay posted on Mudflats today by Donald Craig Mitchell? (Go to the sidebar and click on Mudflats.) If this essay goes mainstream, Sarah can NEVER go back to Alaska, and it's nothing to do with Babygate. Talk about selling your soul for money. Wow!
Chuck Heath was a master of all things: science teacher, basketball coach, track coach. What kind of science teacher was he if he couldn't teach his own daughter science?
Papa Heath, tell us more about the birth of Trig. You were there when he "popped out". Gives us details, for Sarah to tidy up after you. Pics of Sarah throughout the sept 07 to april 18 period would be nice too.
As for your view of USA's position in world affairs... not your area of expertise... keep it to youself
Hey please check out AKM's post on Huff po:
Would Billy Graham approve of an affair, Sarah? You might have asked him for personal advice before asking him about his view about the bible's view on the middle east.
Anon at 22:16
home skooling took off in the south and with certain religious groups after Brown vs Board of education. The rscists and racist christians didn't want their children sitting in classrooms with minorities.
Chuck Heath, what political grandstanding he pulled off. Now we know why the Army didn't want the press to know what these freaks would say. Dissing the Commander in Chief on an Army base and they will let them get by with that? This is Harper Collins and Sarah Palin responsibility. No more excuses. No more shirking!
Palin bugged out of an interview, because "She was not briefed, not familiar with the issues and just was not comfortable giving the interview." Link
Are Americans going to allow Harper Collins and Sarah Palin to publically insult the Commander in Chief like that? Sarah knows her entourage or they should not be with her on a base.
I would bet the desire to be President of the United States or a religious leader of some type (or host of a religious talk show, who knows?) when the rapture occurs has to do with America being the beacon of light for all peoples around the world... In her mind, within the context of her religious beliefs, to be in a position of the highest possible status at that appointed hour, in America, might just be her ultimate fantasy. Maybe she thinks she can assist the Messiah in deciding who can go "up" and who must stay below :-). She seems to take great pains to sound humble and without ambition, however, but I'm not buying it. The fact that she asked Reverend Graham about what the Bible "says" regarding Iraq and Iran - ok, I'll give her Israel - means that she is very interested in evangelical prophecy. I am Christian, I read the Bible, but I do not ascribe to evangelical views, particularly all the stuff about the end times. (In my experience, many conservative Christians seem to be a bunch of hypocrites who Jesus most likely would condemn for not following his teachings.) I generally have a problem with fundamentalists and literalists, of any dogma. Palin is a prime example, though she tries to hide her views as much as possible. I just hope she doesn't get very far in her quest for power. NBC buried their extremely brief mention of her visit to Ft. Bragg toward the end of the broadcast this evening, good for them! I think the only kind of coverage she should receive is the scrutiny of blogs like this one!
You leave the crazy uncle or grandpa at home. He can mouth off all he wants at home. NOT ON A BASE.
BOYCOTT HARPER COLLINS!!!! There should be protesters at every book signing. This is a serious violation. It is treasonous for the military not to take swift action. HARPER COLLINS, SARAH and all responsible are due a BIG smackdown. Think of the example they are setting. What next? This is school for Willow and Piper.
Would Billy Graham approve of her dirty mouth and all the paybacks she offers up in the book? Doubtful, but poor Billy isn't in his right mind and hasn't been for awhile. Franklin has never been the model son and has never really cared about anything but profiting off of his father's name and hard work.
This article states Billy is nearly blind and was written in 2006 about Franklin's attempts to take over. One would guess that Billy really had no idea or a difficult time understanding and seeing who he met with. I'm sure Franklin just told him it was a woman doing God's work.
Can you imagine what real die-hard elderly christian woman are experiencing when they read words like ass, dumbass, bassackwards, and the other swear words Palin uses in the book. I know some that would be horrified and it will be the end of their support for the fraud that is Sarah Palin.
Time to go rogue and start publicly blasting Harper Collins and demand they add a statement to the front of the book that it may or may not be factual just like what happen to James Frey.
Sarah is a fraud, a liar, a blasphemer and a fool. Time it gets pointed out to her once and for all.
Please digg up or twitter or whatever the articles about this treasonous activity. I am scared of what could happen if Palin is successful at causing dissent in our military even more than she already has.
Forget the Presidency. Check this job opening:
Please! Please! Please! For the good of the country!
The military will coverup the Chuck Heath story.
The Bree Palin site has a quote from Billy Graham's daughter which says something like "Daddy thinks God is using Sarah to wake America up" - that's probably not 100% verbatim, so go look... This shows one of the strands of power behind this lady. There are others, to be sure, but this is a significant one. I have always thought the Republican politicos used the Evangelical vote in the most cynical way. And probably vice versa.
At the same Sarah's fans try to explain her talking points, a few university linguists are trying to explain her fancy pageant talking voice.
Check out this article for a bit of a chuckle
/a href>
God made her do it.
Rogue Heath go home to dis Commander in Chief. NOT ON OUR BASE.
The US Supreme Court has decided that a military base commander has the discretion (but not the requirement) to restrict certain political speech on base if, in his/her judgment, such would be contrary to military discipline. I'm not referring to military personnel or DoD employees, for whom there are other regulations that apply, prohibiting their involvement in political activities. I'm referring to civilians appearing on base distributing political materials or making speeches. That's the situation that applies more directly to SP's visit.
IMO the Ft. Bragg officials erred by making SP's visit a special case.
First question: have former politicians appeared on base in the past to sign books? If not, then SP should have been prohibited from appearing. Let her appear in a nearby town if she wished.
If former politicians HAVE been allowed to appear to sign books, then apply the same rules.
Having decided to let SP visit, the Ft. Bragg officials made the right decision initially, prohibiting the media from covering the event. Had they stuck to their guns, it would have prevented the publicity given to Chuck Heath's anti-CiC quote and the rapturous quotes from happy book buyers.
But instead the Ft. Bragg officials fubar'ed things, by reversing themselves and allowing the media circus.
Despite this, I remain confident that the professional men and women of our military, regardless of their political leanings, really do know who they work for. And SP's visit won't change that.
From the msnbc report:
Chief Warrant Officer Two Jeff Thompson, 36, praised Palin for stopping by.
"She cares about the troops," Thompson said. The soldier, who has had two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, said he supported the GOP ticket in 2008 but he considers Obama his boss.
"I support his decisions," Thompson said.
Now on Huffpo:
HIT IT !!!!! leave comment
The National Enquirer subsequently reported with no push back from Team Sarah, “cuckolding Todd when he was working on the North Slope by hooking up with Brad Hanson, Todd’s business partner in the Polaris snow machine sales business Brad and Todd owned in Wasilla.”
"Dang, I thought. Divorce Todd? Have you SEEN Brad???"
Why is it that Christians practice forgiveness, except when it comes to Sarah writing her memoirs?
I think that I have figured out why the people who are Sarah's fans are what we politely call "Low Information Voters." Or, maybe, I am giving them too much credit, and they don't actually vote.
During the fall of 2008, as Sarah's interviews showed her to be unqualified for national office, anyone who could think decided that they could not vote for her. That includes Republicans, who considered themselves loyal, and just could not bring themselves to vote for her.
What you showed in the video is all that's left. What's so sad is that there are that many unthinking people who do not care to read or think or inform themselves.
SP has no business promoting a campaign style bus tour with an out of control entourage and the Army was wrong to eliminate the media for them to underhandedly grandstand against our Commander in Chief.
This is also a school room and example or school age children.
This is also a school room and example for school aged children.
"Anonymous said...
Why is it that Christians practice forgiveness, except when it comes to Sarah writing her memoirs?
24 November 2009 03:11 "
Has Sarah repented of the sin of lying and asked for forgiveness?
miss wasilla thinks that she will be at the right hand of god after he finally sees that birkenstock-wearing hippy Jesus for the weak peacenik he always was.
Love your enemies? Only on a plate next to the mashed potatoes.
Armchair Jane -- thanks for reminding us that
Trig's delivery was 'induced'. Because that did
lend credence to Chuckie's statement. Haven't
read the book, does she talk about the 'induction'
in it ?
Our window of opportunity is closing re babygate. It is time to step up to the plate and WORK dear readers. I have sent a direct link of Andrew Sullivan's article to tip line at Huffington Post. I have also sent it to our U.S. media outlets.
Link to Andrew Sullivan's article:
email OUR media (one-by-one or BLIND copies please!)
earlyshow@cbs.com, rebekah@stephaniemiller.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, readers.rep@latimes.com, jim@wonkette.com, headlinenews@cnn.com, info@crooksandliars.com, elad@democraticunderground.com, letters@slate.com, ed@edschultzshow.com, moveon-help@list.moveon.org, audiencerelations@abctv.com, phil.griffin@nbc.com, countdown@msnbc.com, candy.crowley@turner.com, james@edschultzshow.com, contact@liberaloasis.com, letters@rollingstone.com, letters@nytimes.com, ken@wonkette.com, primenews@cnn.com, mtp@nbc.com, Letters@newsweek.com, admin@democraticunderground.com, today@nbc.com, contact@liberaloasis.com, letters@tnr.com, letters@usnews.com, bsmith@politico.com, wnn@abc.com, info@rawstory.com, dccc@DCCC.org, dcorn@cq.com, info@brazileassociates.com, info@rainbowpush.org, webeditors@newsweek.com, contact@opednews.com, brian.williams@msnbc.com, cookreport@nationaljournal.com, hardball@msnbc.com, stephanie@stephaniemiller.com, letter@globe.com, andrew@theatlantic.com, info@now.org, caffertyfile@cnn.com, theyoungturks@googlegroups.com, mail@democraticunderground.com, candy.crowley@turner.com, contact@airamerica.com, stephanie@stephaniemiller.com, rbrooks@latimescolumnists.com, steve.capus@nbc.com, awalter@nationaljournal.com, niteline@abc.com, consortnew@aol.com, wennermedia@gmail.com, bhersh@mediamatters.org, nytnews@nytimes.com, tips@wonkette.com, livetoday@turner.com, info@bravenewfilms.org, editorial@nytimes.com, action@mediamatters.org, couricandco@cbs.com, chris@stephaniemiller.com, nytnews@nytimes.com, wsj.ltrs@wsj.com, now@now.org, worldnewstonight@abc.com, americablog@starpower.net, earlg@democraticunderground.com, voicers@edit.nydailynews.com, feedback@alternet.org, ds@davidsirota.com, ed@edschultzshow.com, newshounds@gmail.com, feedback@msnbc.com, RBrownstein@nationaljournal.com, evening@cbsnews.com, randi@novamradio.com, caffertyfile@cnn.com, nightly@nbc.com, sara@wonkette.com, 360@cnn.com, staylor@nationaljournal.com, letters@latimes.com, skinner@democraticunderground.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, randi@novamradio.com, salon@salonmagazine.com, letters@msnbc.com, billschneider@turner.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, roland@rolandsmartin.com, letters@time.com, info@dscc.org, joe@msnbc.com, news@blackamericaweb.com, nightly@nbc.com, thinkprogress@americanprogressaction.org, chris.matthews@msnbc.com, info@mediamattersaction.org
e-mail Fort Hood! I cannot find a direct e-mail to Commander Cone, but here is the e-mail addy of their media arm:
MY e-mail (PLEASE use your own words):
To Whom it may Concern (and PLEASE forward to Fort Hood commanders if you can):
Sarah Palin's dad is traveling WITH HER! This is what he said at Ft. Bragg today:
Palin's father, who greeted supporters as his daughter signed copies of the book, said in an interview that Obama's handling of the military was "scary."
"I see a decline in our might," Chuck Heath said. "People used to be afraid of us and respect us, (but) they're not afraid of us and don't respect us anymore."
It's noteworthy that Palin's Facebook page is full of comments calling for the death of our President, sedition, and overthrowing of the Obama administration as being God's will. She's also the defacto leader of the Tea Party Movement, to be officially crowned as such by them this February. The notion that Palin is politically neutral and does not represent a threat to the Commander in Chief's authority is painfully absurd.
PLEASE do not allow Palin at Fort Hood (to spew her hate and vitrol against our Commander in Chief).
PLEASE, the woman is very DANGEROUS.
xxxxx, CA
The Joy woman from the View, just had Palin's wardrobe woman from the campaign on.
Wardrobe lady was certainly ummming a lot and looking at someone or something off screen seemingly cuing her to down play Palin never wanted all those fancy clothes or was excited about them (This is one of the more obvious lies since we all know any woman wearing a $2,500 jacket gets giddy) but the styliest went "Rogue" when she said Palin lied about her in the book saying she also too dressed Couric. She has no idea why Palin said it cause she says she has never ever met Katie.
Funny how she said Palin and Family had to have new clothes cause they just could not go on stage with the K-Mart specials they brought from Alaska.
(No she did not say exactly K-Mart but did say they did not have proper clothes to take the stage to be introduced to the nation in).
I can't think of a better use for my words (the paragraph about her FB page). Thanks! I'm honored.
Not that Sarah
not that sarah: I apologize. I am SO sorry - I did not mean to "lift" the words - I had read them earlier, copied and pasted them into my notes (and did not include YOU, the author). Please accept my apology. Yes, at least the plagiarized words went for a good cause.
Maybe she thinks she can assist the Messiah in deciding who can go "up" and who must stay below :-)."
Assist the Messiah? Hell no, she thinks that she is the Messiah!
Seriously, does she ever talk about Jesus at all? It's just her and God all the time.
@ Ella,
Oh, no! I don't care AT ALL. That's what I write for. I meant it sincerely. It was an honor that you thought they spoke for you on some level.
Lift away! We're on the same side here!I was truly surprised and honored. I just wrote that today in an article for Politicus:-)
Regina, just a fly by to say thank you for all that you do! I don't comment much, but always check on your great info and perspective.
You can't know how much I appreciate the time and effort you put into exposing the Nit Twit. Thank you, thank you! And once again, don't know how you do it, but you get the best pics of the Wicked Witch! Waving madly from Alaska!
Too bad Chuck Heath's interviewer did not ask about topics closer to Chuck's level of understanding. For starters, "Does your great-grandson ever wear eye-glasses, hearing aids, jacket(!)?"
anon 3:30 (Is that you, LIz?) - You beat me to it! That's just what I was going to say.
The reason she doesn't mention Jesus in her book is that she in intending to displace him as Father God's favorite child.
@4:17 I just wrote that very observation and question in an email to Patrick the other day. It is distinctive that an evangelical would not at least at one point or another - perhaps for a specific audience - invoke Christ's name, isn't it? I can't tell if she is avoiding using Jesus's name in order to be politically correct and not scare off potential supporters, or if she may honestly have the mentally ill notion that SHE is here on earth to fulfill an extraordinary destiny which has been preordained by "her creator" (language she herself uses frequently). She certainly relies on the word God, that we all know! One might very reasonably suspect that she may have some sort of Messianic delusion going on here. I won't read her book, but can anyone clarify if she ever uses the word Jesus, at all?
According to Keith Olberman on tonights' show, Sarah also solicited donations to SarahPac on base. She really shouldn't be allowed to skate on that either.
I've noticed too that she NEVER mentions Jesus. I don't know enough of her strange religion to comment on it though.
11/19/09: "The main reason is to stop this from turning into a political platform," said Fort Bragg spokesman Tom McCollum. "There are Army regulations that basically prohibit military reservations from becoming political platforms by politicians."
HARPER COLLINS AND SARAH PALIN are responsible for the team they choose and for preparing teammates to follow Army protocol. They failed. The Army also made a mistake and needs to address and remedy.
The Army at FT HOOD made mistakes when they did not address Maj. Nidal Hasan's problems. Homeland security has on record the incendiary methods of a Palin campaign tour. She claims to be ready to answer that call, the political retribution book is campaign related. She has no business using the Army to promote sales or have her people incite.
It is total disregard and disrespect if the Army allows this travesty to go to FT HOOD. That is an insult to all Americans.
It's just odd that a born-again Christian woman would never speak about Jesus, ever. Not that her behavior is in any way Christian. Maybe she isn't born again but that shouldn't make a difference. I can tell you this, if she were more focused on Jesus she wouldn't do half of the things she does. Her self-aggrandizement verges on blasphemous, particularly if she's claiming it's "God's will", for herself and also for the country! She keeps it subtle enough with pretending to be humble and all that, just so alarm bells don't go off completely. She can only get away with saying so much about this stuff, and she knows it. Aren't there Christian groups out there now whose main missions are to infiltrate, for lack of a better term, the governments of the world? I am not being overly paranoid, because I don't they they are actually succeeding or anything. They just want to do this. Forget those quaint notions about separation of Church and State!
This is a woman who wrote a letter to her friends and family which she signed "your creator".
She thinks she's God.
And the Palinban think she's been "mantled" for the office of the Presidency.
One of the End Times prophecies is that Christians will be persecuted, so get ready for her to cry "double standard!" and play the victim if anyone asks her to detail her specific religious beliefs.
Anna Lin@5:32. Yes, yes, and yes.
I tried to send a protest email to the PA officer at Ft. Hood, but my message was fired back. So, I left a voice mail, stating that as a citizen, a taxpayer, and one who served my own "tour of duty" as the wife of an Army veteran, I'm opposed to Sarah Palin's setting foot on any U.S. military installation in the future. I don't know whether my comments will have an impact, but it was worth making the effort.
So this term, "mantled" is one that she would be well aware of? She thinks she has been anointed to lead? Scary. But the number of people who would vote for her on this basis must still be relatively small, a fringe. That's why her crazy ideas must be exposed to the larger public, so the stupid people who think they are just voting for a fine upstanding feisty Republican woman will come to realize that she's a fanatic, and think twice.
I am majorly ticked off!!!
I just sent a email to the white house.
They should not be allowed on military bases and beg funds. Her father dissing the Commander and Chief...disgraceful...arrest them!!!
I believe this qualifies as its own gate, Regina, Patrick and Kathleen!
She was unfamiliar with Latin America issues and Latino issues, so she canceled her appearance at the last minute.
Sound familiar? My god. The Press never even told us this. It's OUTRAGEOUS.
I asked Gryphen if she refers to Jesus in the book. He hasn't finished, but he said that so far it's just God-God-God.
This is really, really weird. In my experience evangelicals typically talk about Jesus as if they have him sitting on their shoulder. She may actually believe that she is Jesus himself come back to earth.
My opinion, and we all know what that's worth, about the use of the word "God" by Palin instead of "Jesus" is very calculated.
Think about it, almost all the people interviewed on her book tour are not backing Palin for her stand on issues ( They don't know any,other than pro-life). This type of person projects whatever they want to believe onto the charismatic leader they choose to follow.
So, to sell more books, she's hoping that Christians of ALL denominations will be myopic enough to back her soley because she's pro life.
Is Chuck Heath a secessionist too??? Or just nuts? or both?
If you look at Sarah's history, everything that we saw in terms of making political statements and political fund raising on a US Army facility are totally in character for Sarah. Remember, she racked up more than twenty ethics violations complaints when she was governor. And, she did such a poor job as Mayor of Wasilla that her answer was that she would keep on doing something until the courts told her she couldn't. Sarah has been "going rogue" meaning not following the rules for quite a white.
So, if you wonder how someone like Sarah, in the public eye as governor, could dare to fake a pregnancy and think that she would get away with it, she's a pro. She's been faking out people for a long long time. And, if anyone questions her, she is a professional victim. She has a style of confrontation that makes most people back off, almost apologizing for having upset her.
Right after the dreadful Katie Couric interview, she was faced with a crowd at a campaign stop. They shouted questions. Sarah stared them down, daring them to play "stump the candidate." No one dared to ask her a question.
So, Sarah following orders at a military installation? That's for the soldiers; rules don't apply to the Rogue.
Armchair Jane:
Good point about the induction. I don't remember where/when the induction was mentioned, book or not, but I know it's on Audrey's website - I think from the interview SP gave about the wild ride. And you're right, the ONLY reason to induce a month early, especially for a baby who will need special care is if there is a medical need (so she goes ahead and gives her speech hours later, takes 2 planes, etc.). So the only logical reason would be induction to progress labor if the water had broken. Sounds like she knows that happens (maybe it happened in a previous pregnancy), so she just threw it in.
She just talks too much. Trained interviewers know this very well. If you (interviewer) stay silent, the interviewee will hang themself. That's why you always hear attorneys say answer only the question. SP just keeps giving more and more details, and they don't make any sense at all. The more she says, the more lies we hear.
Anon 06:54
Are you saying that SP doesn't say "Jesus" so she doesn't alienate some Christian denominations? That doesn't make sense. By definition, Christian means follower of Christ, Christ equals Jesus. I think you might be onto something, however, in suggesting that she may be trying to appeal to a wider audience without turning off her base, recognizing that every religion (Jewish, etc.) says "God" in some form.
This is the result of Bush Whacks "No Child Left Behind Act". Don'ta matta what grade yer got, evin if yer faled, ya got passed. Hence, no child left behind.
wv bhaskee
Baldwin-Johnson said she had to induce labor, and the baby didn't come until 6:30 a.m. Friday.
There seems to be a "code" at work here, which is how evangelicals speak to each other.
Think about it: We all know the issue of those who will be "left behind" at the end times. Now, why do you suppose that Bush set up that awful "No Child Left Behind" law? I think it's some kind of code for "dumb down our education system so that children never learn to question the WORD and think for themselves."
In response to this comment that I saw above:
"Anonymous said...
It makes me spitting mad that Chuck Heath made that remark in an interview ON A MILITARY BASE about President Obama. The Army needs to ban Sarah Palin from coming to Ft. Hood and any other military installation. Well, I hope the dumbass commanding general of Ft. Bragg is real effing proud of himself, thinking oh no, it is not political to allow that fire-breathing hate-spewing bitch on Ft. Bragg. He has got to be one of those military folks that Leah Burton warned about on her blog "Gods Own Party?". Hey Leah, what do you know about him? I am really interested to know all about his religious views that oversteps his military position. An while we are at it, might as well learn what we can about the commanding general at Ft. Hood, since he has already given permission."
24 November 2009 00:08
That is an excellent observation and you are definitely going down the right path. This will take more space than I have here to respond with...so I will write a post at "godsownparty" and post it on Wednesday addressing your question.
GREAT comments over here on the reigious element! I am so glad to see the discussion of Palin's dominionist devotion increasing...it gives me renewed energy to keep pushing on.
Leah Burton
Here is an example of a letter from a Palin supporter that appeared in the Kansas City Star yesterday.
Palin was robbed
Sarah Palin is convinced that John McCain’s presidential campaign staff, once they realized that he was going down in defeat, acted to ensure that she lost as well.
Otherwise, she is certain, she could have easily beaten Joe Biden and been a great help to President Obama.
Michael Mardikes
Kansas City
Leah, I am looking forward to your post on Wednesday! It is absolutely despicable for the commanding officers to give permission for Sarah to pander her politics on any military installation, knowing full well the hateful rhetoric she has spewed against the Commander in Chief.
Anon 00:07
My thoughts exactly. While the whole nation is focused on Sarah and her family retracing Sherman's March to the Sea, what is happening with Todd? Is anything going on back in Wasilla? Todd's absence on the book tour speaks volumes. Notice none of the men except Trig had dinner with Billy Graham just the women. Bet Billy, would have noticed the tension. Todd's obligatory comments and appearance on the Barbara Walter's show was conducted to make her followers think everything is rosy at the Liar's Chateau.
wv sallur
Sent emai to Commander at Ft. Hood. Reply immediately came back saying they cannot restrict ("it would be illegal") authors/entertainers etc from appearing at the BX. So much for trying to get them to see what Mr. Heath did at Ft. Bragg!
sunnyjane, I think you're absolutely right about their speaking in code. This sounds very cloak and dagger, but it isn't. It's because they don't want to be scrutinized too closely for what they believe, but they want to communicate support to one another. Gryphen posted an interview with Palin (Trig on her lap, poor baby), it seems to be with an Alaskan media person. He asks about the grueling pace of the book tour, and she says something like she thinks of it as a marathon, and "great is the reward" at the end of it. I am pretty sure she is quoting scripture. I think if people start to listen very carefully they will discern some of this speaking in code for her Christian audience. She might say that she isn't trying to hide anything, that she is fine with people thinking she's quoting scripture, but you can't tell me she is not trying to keep it under the radar. I personally have no problem with someone having religious beliefs, or none, but it has been traditional (and constitutionally based) that those running for office keep it as separate as possible from their political agenda, though it would naturally inform their decision making. This is the complete opposite of that. These people won't be happy until the US government is a Christian government, period.
PS And thank you, Leah Burton, for keeping the focus on this issue! I believe babygate and her extremist religious views are the only hopes for stopping her potential political ascent.
WTF, I just read at Celtic Diva's that “while she was restricted from speaking at Fort Bragg, she is not at Fort Hood.” So Palin is going to be allowed to spew at Fort Hood????? Why?????
Celtic Diva has listed telephone numbers and emails to contact at Fort Hood.
The email anon received from the POA at Ft Bragg is untrue. It is most certainly not illegal to restrict speakers. Np political authors are allowed to speak.The statement released by them was that she was in a "grey area" as being a private citizen right now, which she most certainly is not.
Back to the God/Jesus business, it could be calculated, but I don't think Sarah has that much self control. It seems to me that a true evangelical would be so much in the habit of talking about Jesus all the time that she wouldn't be able to turn it off. I think there's something else going on here.
ANON 14:26,
wow, unbelievable!
well, nothing like IGNORANCE taking the stage to expose the IGNORANCE out there!
hey CHUCKIE, now THAT is truly SCARY!
I'd be super interested in any theories. I think she truly is a fanatical evangelical, but backed by extremely powerful groups ranging from the oil industry to publishing (Rupert, eek!) to the Christian cult groups and worst of all, to the neo-cons in the Republican party. That is a lethal combination if you ask me. I think she is completely calculated, to the best of her ability in any given circumstance. That's why she rarely allows for open and free press questions. She will get herself in trouble the more she risks spontaneous interviews. She is showing herself to be under extreme stress, already, so she will likely either crack in some way in the near future and show her true colors (her temper will flare), or sooner or later she is going to start complaining about how the press is treating her, blah blah blah. Just watch. She really can't handle this.
I also think those groups will think nothing of withdrawing their sponsorship if they see that she is not a viable candidate for 2012.
it's really no mystery why palin never talks about jesus.
jesus wasn't mean.
but god, otoh, is vengeful and spiteful - that's right up palin's alley.
as to SARAH's aversion to JESUS.
it's simple: she is NOT a christian,
she contradicts/violates EVERY thing JESUS asked of his followers!
for these RELIGIOUS REICH folks, religion is just a cloak, an armor.... not unlike the nouveaux rich joining a country club just for the prestige, to prop up their insecurities and GET instant power (or so they believe).
Yes, I think on a spiritual level, as a soul - bear with me for those who don't believe in this - she honestly feels so unworthy, and so guilty about her many sins, that she just can't look at Jesus directly or refer to him in any specific way. If someone can provide any record of statements by her regarding Jesus, I'd retract that thought, however. It's just that as the true Christians here are pointing out, she does not act and speak on behalf of the Christian faith. If anything, it is the opposite and we must beware the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Sarah's people:
"I Sarah, Keep you head held high those who are saying bad things about your are just afraid because you are smarter than they are. GO SARAH"
There is something you don't understand. We know the rapture is coming, when we'll be caught up in the air with Sarah and taken home. This earth is not our home; we're just passing through. So, we have no need to fuss with education to prepare for anything in the secular world. Even if the rapture doesn't occur in our lifetime, we know that our time on earth is such a small percentage of the eternity we're going to live in heaven, learning at Sarah's feet, that it will seem as nothing in the grand scheme of things.
The imaginary "War on Christmas" has been expanded to include Thanksgiving.
LMAO, thinking conservative ... yeah, at Sarah's feet ... forever ... there will be plenty of time for y'all to suck Sarah's toes, right?
Please tell me that Thinking Conservative just commented in a satirical manner..... If not, I am a Christian also and I too do not believe the world is our eternal home. BUT, Christ admonishes us to love our neighbors as ourselves, in THIS life, here on God's earth. I do not see this principle in action from the behavior and statements of Sarah Palin and her followers. It is not Christian, what they (you?) are doing, or saying, or believing. I am actually shaking after having read what you have written. Please tell me it is a joke. I don't always pick up on these things.
If it was not satire, then thank you very much for presenting the most cogent possible example of the insanity of her ambition. The fact that anyone would liken her to Christ, that we should sit at her feet and learn from her, is just what I said, it's pure blasphemy. Right-thinking politically progressive and moderate Christians need to speak out against this, fast.
"Thinking Conservative" @ 16:51, are you just joshing or do you seriously believe that crap? That is so profoundly ignorant I can hardly believe you really mean it.
I meant "correct-thinking", of course!
"Thinking" Conservative: are you on your own in believing this, or are there others? Which groups?
I have made my statement of the truth as it is known to us and will be revealed to you if you believe.
Thanks so much, ella's action alert, for the email list of press contacts. Very helpful. I wrote (BCCing) all of them.
I wanted to let you know that about twenty of them bounced - not sure if it's due to a faulty email address or the fact that it was a group email.
But I agree with you that the window may be closing.
@8:39 - and yet another timeline emerages. "CBJ induced labor and a baby is born 6:30 Friday" So if you are to believe Palin's version and I don't, here is a rough timeline ... Palin takes off for a conference in Dallas - so that is 6-8-10 hours in a plane at 30,000 +/- feet, a couple of stop overs?. Lands in Dallas, starts having issues (geez, I wonder if the first plane ride had anything to do with it??) gets back on a plane, flys another 6-8-10 hours back at 30,000 feet, couple of stop overs, gets in a car, rides an hour to the hospital, gets induced and supposidly has a baby at 6:30.
I don't think so ... stand back and look at the whole picture not just the wild ride back and this just doesn't add up to anything close to being a shread of truth.
It's getting thick:
'Going Rogue' is Sarah Palin's book to set the record straight. It is her right to speak about the events that occurred in her administration and neither Mr. Bitney nor anyone else has the right to stifle that speech," Van Flein said.
Carrie Prejean brought up the same sort of First Amendment defense when a morning show interviewer asked whether she might be considered a hypocrite, after the first sex tape became known. She opined that anyone who would criticize her is violating her First Amendment rights. Do they understand that the First Amendment applies to everyone, not just Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean?
Is Sarah Palin a Sociopath?
Ah geez. Bitney is not stifling any speech, he's refuting it. What law school did Van Flein attend? These people!
Thinking Conservative, prophecy is such a tiny, tiny part of what it means to be a Christian. What about being truly ready for the rapture, anyway? If you believe in a literal judgement day, do you feel Jesus would fully appreciate what Sarah Palin and her followers have been up to, particularly as evidenced by your sacreligious statements basically lifted from a reference to Jesus Christ himself, the Master, God incarnate, sent to us in human form, at whose feet we may be lucky enough to learn through eternity? Jesus will be especially interested by what you feel in your heart, and by what you show in your actions, towards your fellow man. That means everyone, not only those in your special, self-appointed club! Be careful, you are going down the wrong path and you don't even realize it.
Sorry in the above post I left out the standing on her feet and giving a speech part, spending hours at the conference ... walking around all the while leaking fluid and having mild contractions.
Right ... totally believable ...
just allow yourself to think that you might be wrong about the rapture.
this doctrine is a VERY recent heresy in the life of CHRISTIANITY: it can be traced to a dubious vision of a young catholic woman named MARGARET McDONALD in the 1800s.
here's an interview with the author:
There's a special place in HELL reserved for Sarah and that's where "Thinking" will be sucking her toes at. Better bring some ice goofball
yes! thanks for the email addresses.
i just emailed one of the WHO DOES NOT LOOK LIKE OTHERS? graphic to keith and rachel, sully and young.turks, rolling stone and cafferty.
will see.
WayOfPeace, Your link vindicates our beliefs:
It's no coincidence that Christians in Left Behind first drive Range Rovers and then Hummers, the most gas-guzzling vehicles on earth. Gas mileage doesn't matter if you think the world has only seven more years.
I'm going with this; She's the anti-Christ. I'm nearly convinced. Just a few more of these ridiculous end of days statements will push me over the top.
Re: Thinking Conservative
I don't care if someone believes they are just passing through. It is the total lack of respect while they are here that I have a problem with.
None of them care for Trig in the here and now.
Palin is a liar and charlatan if she will not come out and say she is on the end the world band wagon as Thinking Conservative brings up. It is MORE FRAUD. May her end appropriately rapture from her prison cell. She is of a suicide bomber mentality and belief system. Not good or Afghanistan or anyplace on earth.
I don't believe Thinking Conservative is for real, though I've seen the name before. Just trying to provoke people. If he/she is, sounds like someone is worshipping false idols, probably the No 1 way to get Jesus to banish him/her from heaven for all eternity. Don't forget God gave us free will, knowing we would make mistakes. We have to be truly sorry for them, though, and change our ways. It's not too late. Why don't you go work at a no strings attached soup kitchen, one that doesn't proselytize? Jesus would approve of that!
anon 18:23 were i a believer, i, too, would say palin is the anti-christ. i can see the 666 on her forehead in certain light and she looks like a feral beast when she bares her teeth and her eyes get all beady and evil looking.
"Thinking Conservative" is an oxymoron to begin with. Jesus never needed a Kenyan witchdoctor to absolve him from witchcraft. If it weren't for McCain going into panic mode, none of you worshippers would have ever heard of this b*tch and Alaska would be getting on with getting her fitted for prison orange
The truly disturbing thing is there are a significant number of oxymorons out there right now. The rise of the mega-churches, not saying they are all the same, has contributed it. And of course Bush exploited his own supposed born-again credentials. The scary thing is that the Republican party will think nothing of forming an alliance with her, if not actually putting her on the ticket, and it's hard to say where that will lead in terms of America's future. This anti-intellectual strain of the Christian faith is a true threat. Especially in hard times.
They can't put her on the ticket if she's under indictment or sitting in prison. There's only one person standing in the way of those floodgates slamming open, and that's Parnell. Once we rid this state of that reprobate in the primaries, SP's reign of terror will come to an abrupt halt. Then the wheels of justice will start to spin and the outcome for SP and her shady, ruthless, con artist friends will not be pretty.
Here's hoping! So many have gotten off scott-free in the past. I am just that cynical.
Great says to Palin as they leave Ft Bragg, "that felt like a campaign, not a book signing".
Done deal.
Ft Bragg needs to make this right.
It's interesting that her fan site, c4p, is always posting stories that try to push back on the conventional wisdom that Palin is an airhead, incompetent, bimbo, etc. That tells you what they are worried about .. they know the truth. It's also interesting that they source their articles on what ten year olds have written in abject praise of her.
Barb, is Parnell replacing her appointees? Do they serve at the pleasure of the governor? It's hard to imagine that anyone would want to work with Sarah Palin's high school chums.
The only ones that have been replaced were those that quit. Make no mistake, Parnell and Palin go way, way back. He's on the record as stating that "she's the greatest gift Alaska ever gave to the lower 48." You can also see him standing right next to her in the infamous witchdoctor video. They're two peas in a pod, from the same hell, fire and brimstone church.
He has done nothing to distance himself from her or her policies. He sings her praises daily and is doing everything he can to cover her tracks. He may well end up in prison too if he keeps this up.
Disclosure: I am an agnostic, therefore, my only understanding of Jesus is the mainstream portrayal as the Son of God, peaceful, forgiving, etc., etc.
This is truly frightening
Note, I've heard of this version of Jesus before - from a so-called "Satanist". Go figure.
Here's another good read into the Dominionist worldview (and explains a lot of SP's psychology)
The need for an enemy
"Chuck Heath was...a... science teacher, basketball coach, track coach. What kind of science teacher was he if he couldn't teach his own daughter science?"
He was also an English teacher, and we all know how that worked for her.
"...she was in a "grey area" as being a private citizen right now, which she most certainly is not."
No, she really is. She's an unemployed housewife at the moment. She no longer holds office, and she hasn't declared for any other. What I'd like to know is if any antiBush authors were allowed to promote their books at military installations, or allowed to run around dissing him. My daughter and I inadvertently turned off the freeway at Fort Lewis a few years ago- we wanted to switch drivers and continue our journey- and had to undergo a lot of questioning before they directed us to turn around and leave. I can't imagine why any military installation would be copacetic with Chuck runnning around mouthing off at the Commander-in-Chief.
"...I am a Christian also and I too do not believe the world is our eternal home. BUT, Christ admonishes us to love our neighbors as ourselves, in THIS life, here on God's earth."
As I recall (as a nonChristian) he said something about, "Insomuch as ye have done it to the least of these, ye have done it unto Me." Wow, Sarah has left Jesus out in the cold late at night with no shoes or jacket.
Celtic Diva has posted a follow up on Ft. Hood. Seems they are rethinking allowing Palin on the base. She has also uncovered the fact that SP is being flown around in the Samaritans Purse plane and the owner has blocked flight tracking activity for that plane
@ 19:45, thank you so much for sharing that. What is strange about these Fundamentalists is that while perhaps their image of God and Christ focuses more on the "strong righteous warrior" archetype from the Old Testament, they also have this obsession with the final book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation. Centrist Christians, as that essay calls them, tend to be much more concerned with the present, not some possible far-off unfolding of events. Many believe the idea of the Apocalypse to be literary, even, a metaphor for the chaotic state of our souls and the process of coming to know and honor God. They don't take it literally, though of course none of us are 100% sure of anything! But, Centrist Christians focus on the actual teachings of Jesus, first and foremost - with what are believed to be his own words. And these Fundamentalist folks are not passing the test, believe you me. Just read the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount and you will see. (These people will tell you that they are the "presecuted righteous", but that's about all they've got. Otherwise, they are on very thin ice.)
oops - persecuted
On second thought, there is so much fire and brimstone action in the Book of Revelation, it may not be strange at all that these Fundamentalists are so drawn to the "events" described there. They think that will be their great moment of glory and vindication. They are indeed very fortunate to feel so confident about their ultimate fate :-). Certainty is what any Fundamentalism, in any religion, is all about, of course.
What is strange about fundamentalists (of any religion) is that they can not see how strange they are.
Take the "god is man" stance, for example. It's really, really strange.
In the 4th part of her interview with Greta, posted at IM, I think she's exhibiting what head doctors call "pressured speech." That might affect a head doctor's diagnosis .. it is part of bipolar disorder.
Ivyfree said: As I recall (as a nonChristian) he said something about, "Insomuch as ye have done it to the least of these, ye have done it unto Me."
I was brought up Catholic, and for me, this single quote attributed to Jesus in the bible summed up everything that IMO Christianity is *supposed* to be. He is saying that we should treat everyone the same way we would treat him. We should all treat one another that way.
Whether you believe Jesus Christ was a man, a god or a myth, this quote embodies his simplest message to humankind. This is what he was (is) all about.
Palin and her followers/supporters don't get this at all. They are NOT Christians.
That's my feeling too, Ginny. God sent Jesus here to remind us of that one thing. We don't need any further instruction! (I have no personal predictions about the Second Coming, but I can tell you Sarah ain't it.) To me, the thing that most Fundamentalists, of any religion or other dogma - and that includes Atheism - have in common, is a high level of anxiety, at least simmering below the surface. One can sense it, actually, and anger is a frequent form of expressing that anxiety. They want to feel that have it all figured out, that they have all the answers. I don't think any of us can aspire to that. On another note, for all of Sarah Palin's protestations about this not being "about her", that she is glad to be done with writing the book because it was sort of a "selfish" exercise, she sure is basking in most of this attention!
This journalist follows airplanes, airports and religious connections. Nothing is as it appears.
Look at her actions.
She behaves the anti-Christ.
Want to see some more fakery? In part 4 of the Greta interview at Gryphen's, it looks as though the bus might be moving. But there are no bus sounds in the background. Come to think of it, if the bus is moving, it's on an awful bumpy road.
anon at 21:04 - I mentioned sometime this week -- on Bree's site? -- that McCain would give interviews on his bus and that you could tell that the bus was moving because the scenery could be seen whizzing by out the window, so he was traveling on the bus at least some of the time. It was a steady picture, too, if I recall correcctly. Sarah (and Faux News) really believe that people are gullible and stupid, which is just the thing that demagogues exploit.
Yay! Video and Stills of protesters at the Rochester Palin-palooza!
Donald Craig Mitchell talks of Palin’s Going Rogue.
(Heavy on the political revenge. Not apropo for a military base.)
Sarah trashes Nick Carney (the Wasilla city councilman who recruited Sarah into politics), John Stein (Sarah’s predecessor as mayor of Wasilla), Anne Kilkenny (a Wasilla resident whose viral email educated the nation to Sarah’s lackluster record as mayor), an unnamed City of Wasilla librarian, Frank Murkowski (Sarah’s predecessor as Governor of Alaska), Gregg Renkes (Frank’s Attorney General), Lyda Green (the former President of the Alaska Senate), Hollis French (the chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Alaska Senate), Steve Schmidt (John McCain’s campaign manager), an unnamed KTUU television cameraman, Walt Monegan (Sarah’s Commissioner of Public Safety), Randy Ruedrich (the chairman of the Alaska Republican Party with whom Sarah worked at the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission), Bill Allen (the corpulent head of the oil field services company VECO, a odious scum bag whose reputation as the bag man for Big Oil in the state capitol had been a matter of common knowledge in Alaska for a generation when Sarah went with her hand out to Bill for the campaign contributions she used to launch her statewide political career), Mike Wooten (Sarah’s ex-brother-in-law), unnamed executives of the Exxon-Mobil, British Petroleum, and Conoco-Phillips oil companies, Pete Rouse (a former Alaskan who was Senator Barack Obama’s chief of staff), Rahm Emanuel (President Barack Obama’s chief of staff), Kim Elton (a former member of the Alaska Senate who is Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s Special Assistant for Alaska), unnamed members of the McCain campaign staff who prepped Sarah for her television debate with Joe Biden, John Bitney (Governor Palin’s liaison to the Alaska Legislature), Levi Johnston (the hockey-playing, Playgirl modeling impregnator of Bristol Palin).
Sarah Palin: “cuckolding Todd when he was working on the North Slope by hooking up with Brad Hanson, Todd’s business partner in the Polaris snow machine sales business Brad and Todd owned in Wasilla.” No, she did not sue The National Enquirer.
Sarah's speeches seem to have a manic quality about them. I am with anon 20:31, bipolar!
Watch some of the videos posted on various websites. Bree Palin has some where Sarah answers questions or just interacts with people signing books. She has a frenzied, frantic quality about her, constantly moving, talking, waving her arms around.
On the other hand, it's a tough schedule. Maybe it's speed. Wasilla is the home office don't-cha-know.
My wv=trize, a perfect name for the next child or grandchild.
the BUDDHA would not be happy with SCARAH either.
from a HUFFPO blog-post:
Words have power to destroy or heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
-The Buddha
At the moment Palin is touring the country to promote her book, which has a very large number of words in it, but not all of them are necessarily either true or kind.
Nor were her actions particularly kind when hundreds of eager autograph hunters were turned away, despite standing for hours in the rain and cold. All of us have the capacity to be caring and thoughtful, yet it can be so easy to put our own needs above another's.
From above:
Here is an example of a letter from a Palin supporter that appeared in the Kansas City Star yesterday.
Palin was robbed
Sarah Palin is convinced that John McCain’s presidential campaign staff, once they realized that he was going down in defeat, acted to ensure that she lost as well.
Otherwise, she is certain, she could have easily beaten Joe Biden and been a great help to President Obama.
Michael Mardikes
Kansas City
WTF? is there any logic in that statement?
I also think that the pressured speech is a sign of something manic. If she's bi-polar, that may have come out in college. Not sure, but I think I read that mental illness comes out in the late teens/early 20s.
Palin was robbed? I've voted in two states and there was not a separate vote for VP .. it was always a vote for one ticket or the other.
She's a great leader, no? Her fans have now adopted pathological lying, not to mention incessant whining over how others have made her life difficult. See C4P and all her apologists, if you have any doubts. Hopefully, there are enough adults left to see this for what it is.
The man who is interviewing SP on the bus is the sports director for channel 2 KTUU (NBC Anchorage affiliate). When Carp introduced his segment, he said something to the effect that Sarah was willing to give him the interview because he hadn't pissed her off yet. The rest of the interview hasn't been broadcast yet, so it remains to be seen if he does more than toss softballs at her.
New post up!
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