Wednesday 18 November 2009

THE GREAT LIE - Sarah Palin's own account about the "wild ride" in 2008 compared with 2009 in "Going Rogue" - UPDATE

I am not sure whether future generations will understand the "phenomenon Sarah Palin". How could a woman who is a compulsive liar, inarticulate and mentally ill have been able to build up such a great following? I am sure that legions of historians will have a hard time to find convincing answers.

But we are not there yet. In a vain attempt, Sarah Palin now starts to rewrite her own history in "Going Rogue" - including her biggest lie, her faked pregnancy with Trig.

Now it pays off that the Trig Truthers have not only started to become active "yesterday", but more than a year ago. Lots of material has been collected since then - including material which now is not available any more from their original sources and which would have been lost, maybe forever.

We are prepared.

The material I am talking about includes one of the most important pieces of evidence that the Trig Truthers ever got hold off: The audio recording of the press conference which Sarah Palin held on April 22, 2008. In this press conference, Sarah talks extensively about what would become known as the "wild ride" - her travel back from Texas to Wasilla on April 17, 2008. The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) once had this audio recording on their website, but later it was removed from there. However, I downloaded it many months ago from the ADN website. The Trig Truthers were highly conscious of the importance of this recording and knew that it would most likely play an important role in the future. Now, this moment has come.

The audio is included on the right-hand side of palingates and here it is again - click on the banner in order to listen to the audio or to download it:

ON APRIL 22, 2008:

On April 22, 2008, Sarah Palin said:

Palin: And, uh, he wasn’t due for 4 or 5 weeks later and um, while I was at energy conference I felt perfectly fine but uh, had thought maybe a few things were starting to progress a little bit that perhaps there was an idea there that he might come early. So I called my doctor at about uh four in the morning in Texas and um I said ya know I’m gonna stay for the day here at the energy conference - have a speech that I was determined to give at one o’clock that afternoon and, um, had Todd check on a couple of flights that were earlier than we had scheduled. I decided it would be ok to, um, skip the reception that night that we’d already by that time have taken care of our meetings and my speech. So Todd checked on flights. A flight allowed us to get out a little earlier than we had planned. Skipped the reception and, um, called my doctor before I got on the plane to say, ‘Yea, we think that we will come home a few hours early,’ and, uh, she said ‘OK call when you land and I’ll check you out.’ But none of my babies had been early and being my fifth child I know what labor feels like (laughing) and if I had felt at all that I was really engaged in uh, labor activities I would not have desired to fly and, um, get back uh, to deliver in Alaska. But anyway, so no real huge labor signs. Landed in, uh, in Anchorage at about 10:30. Got out to the valley at 11:30 and she met us at the hospital, checked me out and said, ‘Um, Yea you look, you may have it um tonight or in the morning.’ And it was smooth, it was relatively easy, in fact it was very easy, the easiest of all of them because he was so tiny. And, um, it’s just been absolutely wonderful. It was all, it just all seemed meant to be… the logistics and everything else just worked out so perfectly and to us he’s absolutely perfect, too.

Reporter: Of course you’re back to work already today and actually signed a bill that day, right?

Palin: That day, yeah, staff came out to the hospital and I signed a bill there so I could uh make sure we transmitted that in time and then uh here today also yeah, we have some energy updates I didn’t want to miss so that was good look and at him he’s just doing so well and it’s been easy and relaxing and again all it seems just meant to be this way.

Reporter: You said you felt some signs of labor, what were those signs?

Palin: Well not contractions so much because I had Braxton Hicks contractions for months as every pregnant woman does, and nothing real painful but just knowing that, um, it was feeling like, I may not um, be ale to be pregnant a whole nother four or five weeks knowing that it would be not a bother to call our doctor and let her know. And um she’s delivered how many babies over the year did she say?

Todd: Lots.

Palin: A lot. It’s been a couple of decades of her delivering babies. We knew to call her and just get her advice and, um, from there we again decided to skip the energy conference reception and come on home and get checked out.

Reporter: So did your water break?

Palin: Well, if you must know more of those type of details, but, um…

Reporter: Well, your dad said that and I saw him say it so that’s why I asked.

Palin: Well that was again if, if I must get personal, technical about this at the same time, um, it was one, it was a sign that I knew, um, could lead to uh, labor being uh kind of kicked in there was any kind of, um, amniotic leaking, amniotic fluid leaking, so when, when that happened we decided OK let’s call her.

The full transcript of the press conference from April 22, 2008 can be downloaded HERE.

The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) reported about this press conference HERE.

So Sarah Palin's amniotic fluid was leaking. She said it herself!

From what I have heard, such a situation is very uncomfortable for a woman and all you want to do in this situation is to go to the nearest hospital ASAP - especially if your baby isn't due yet and you had two previous miscarriages!

But Sarah Palin seems to have now decided that this version of events is not good enough. Which is hardly a surprise -after all, it was the "amniotic fluid statement" was one of the first things which started the Trig Truther movement in the first place!

In "Going Rogue", Sarah Palin's account of these events reads like that:

The next month, Todd and I checked into a hotel in Dallas. The following day I was scheduled to keynote another oil and gas conference. My pregnancy was going fine, and with five weeks to go, I felt great. But at 4 a.m., a strange sensation low in my belly woke me and I sat up straight in my bed.

It can’t be, I thought. It’s way too early.

Moments later, I shook Todd awake. “Something’s going on.”

He sat up in bed, instantly alert. “I’m calling CBJ.”

“No, don’t do that. It’s one a.m. in Alaska.”

I didn’t want to call anyone yet. I just wanted to take stock and see whether this baby was really coming. I also wanted time and pray and asked God silently but fervently to let everything be okay. Desperation for this baby overwhelmed me.

Please don’t let anything happen to this baby.

It occurred to me, once and for all. I’m so in love with this child, please God, protect him! After all my doubts and fears, I had fallen in love with this precious child. The worst thing in the world would be that I would lose him. God knew what He was doing.

Over my protests, Todd called CBJ. I told her that I felt fine and absolutely did not want to cancel my speech and disappoint the folks at the conference, including my cohost, Texas Governor Rick Perry. We agreed that I would stay in contact with CBJ through the day, I’d take it easy, give my speech, then catch an earlier flight back to Alaska. I still had plenty of time.

Later that afternoon we entered a packed house at the energy conference, where I’d speak on the urgent need to tap conventional supplies and innovate on stabilizing renewable sources.

The pages of "Going Rogue" which deal with the wild ride can be downloaded HERE.

So, what is the problem here?

First: Where is the leaking amniotic fluid?

Second: In 2008 she said that she called CBJ, because of the leaking amniotic fluid - in 2009 it's Todd who called CBJ, and Sarah now writes that she didn't really want to call CBJ in the first place!

Third: Sarah Palin actually had a very full schedule on April 17, 2008, as we know from her official schedule which the Trig Truthers had obtained through a FOIA request. Therefore, both accounts are misleading, because she gives the impression that there was "just one speech" that day - in reality, she had scheduled a whole series of meetings and events, and there is no indication that she missed any of them. The schedules of Sarah Palin which we had obtained always just mentioned events which actually DID happen.

Here is Sarah Palin's schedule from April 17, 2008 (click to enlarge):

In addition, we have rare footage from the conference in Texas on April 17, 2008. Sarah Palin appears to be perfectly relaxed - and shows no signs of labour whatsoever. Is this a woman whose amniotic fluid is leaking? From 0:33:

Sarah should have checked her old version before writing the new one.

Sarah Palin: You are a LIAR!


Sarah Palin: You are MENTALLY ILL and should SEEK HELP!



As an update I would like to include a comment by my fellow blogger and Trig Truther Bree Palin:

"Just as an aside, I think the way she retells the birth of Track on pages 51-52 are really interesting. She spends a considerable amount of effort emphasizing how unbelievably painful labor is. "In fact, I began to pray that I would die." Now how much sense does it make that a person whose primary recollection of her first birth is about how overwhelmingly painful and difficult it is would nonchalantly go through the events as she tells them for the birth of her fifth and premature baby?"

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Anonymous said...

NY Tabloid Chick! Good to see you!

Patrick said...

NY Tabloid Chick, I missed you too! Where have you been?

ArmchairJane said...

07:31, well, your conclusion about who is really Trig's mother is one that I have also considered, with Todd as the possible father. Could certainly explain a lot about the dynamics of the marital relationship, why Sarah would grudgingly adopt Trig, and Sarah's at times thinly veiled distaste for Trig...And also why Trig has the dark eyes and hair. AND where Bristol was missing at and why. So it's not like I haven't considered the possibility.

But Bristol being the mother, father unknown but perhaps a likely candidate "selected" for the role after the fact, also has its definite points of simplicity. Is that your clue, that the Bristol lookalike in the photos is Molly's daughter and that is why she is there with Trig?

If that is you again at 07:33, yeah, she might be able to get priority on a seat, what with being an MVP I am sure, but in that case I think the ticket agents or crew would have been even been more likely to take noticed if she looked giant with the empathy belly.

The reason I said pissing match is because the way your are phrasing some of your comments seemed a bit snarky, without any reason that I could see for it. It's hard to know for sure because of the multiple anons.

And if that is you again at 07:43, I do explore topics like the flights even though I don't believe she was pregnant, because not everyone has reached that level of awareness about the hoax, and I have found that what the convincing factor ultimately is for a particular person can really vary. For some people it is the pictures, with other people it is the wild ride story, with yet others is the whole mound of lies and things that don't add up. Sometimes I am looking at a particular bit of info because it might be the bit that opens somebody's eyes.

And btw, 07:31, if that IS you at 07:43, part of the reason it is so nice to have people adopt some kind of handle, even if just for one thread, is because what with anons of all stripes and threads with over 200 comments, including trolls, skeptics, and regulars who haven't managed to log in, it can sometimes help against misunderstandings if people use ANY kind of identifier, even just calling yourself by the time of your first comment for the duration of that thread. Makes it easier to follow your point :-)

ArmchairJane said...

Hi NY tabloid chick :-)

I was just looking at the CBJ letter again yesterday or today, and the letter speaks specifically of 5 "deliveries". So it's a nice bit of weasel wording that sidesteps the actual number of pregnancies.

Hmmm, kind of like other times in this whole saga when key players have used words like "delivered" or "had the baby" as opposed to "gave birth".

Seems like already back at the time of the so-called CBJ letter, Palin was already concerned about the discrepancy between pregancies and deliveries coming to light.

Unknown said...

Oh, 5:29 you can brag till you are Blue in the face the size of Texas and you still will have nothing to contribute. Until you do. So do it.
"I can prove it too" you said about owning videos and photos to show she faked her pregnancy. So before she was ever on national followed her around with a camera, what were you-a 16 yearold pal of Bristol's? Come on. I showed you mine, now you show Patrick what you got. Hey, why not sell to the Tabloids for bundles of bucks? Why are you here?

MMX-Huckster Sarah, gotta love the plan.
Was the video footage of Andrea Gutsy released immediately on tv? I know the still shot was said to be kept under wraps and mysteriouslty released after RNC to squash rumors that Trig was Bristol's.

If not, then the flight attendants during Wild Ride would have little reason to know that her recently exposed bulging belly was Missing for the Wild Ride.
It was sent as 'baggage' then, just like we all have to deal with this Palin political baggage the McCain hucksters burdened America with. (regarding Barb question 2:45).

Remember the hoopla after info was in papers about SP having a tanning bed installed in office-I was just they help with Bi-Polar Disorder? Because if you listen to her hyper-talk with Oprah when she talks about being pumped up meeting fans and then Perky Couric confronts her with another pesky question (VETTING) and deflates her campaign 'high'...then Levi says she lost interest in everything (depressed) after losing. Some connected the tanning bed to medical reasons after the MSM reported she had one at Gov. office.
Sudden cold in Interior, little bits of insight on blog warms the soul as the 'literate' fanatics (they just wanna drool on the photos) fork over bucks to $arah, deluded fools.

Unknown said...

Where is the link for the photo Anon. 5:00 refers to(says SP, Ivan, Mary and maybe Mike D in it)?

Why is it that when I click on comments, I can't enlarge out of a 4" by 4" box and if I click on any link, I have to read article in same size box? Plus, I can't go back to comments after viewing the link. I can read original (Patrick) post and to to links just fine. Tips?-computer whiz folks?

My previous WV was: Pighr.
With lipstick I'd add.

Anonymous said...

Trig is on tour with Sarah Palin

comeonpeople said...

Been at work and just catching up this am.
Anon 02:35 i wondered, too, also about an hysterical pregnancy. But, after reviewing my textsbooks and googling info, I don't think so. Scarah was way to calculated in her actions. In an hysterical pregnancy you don't wear throw pillows and buy empathy bellies. You REALLY believe you are pregnant and some women's bodies actually swell and they stop having menses and look naturally pregnant - but are not. Sarah doesn't fit this psychiatric disorder, although the list from wjich to chose her real diagnoses is long and growing.
Can you imagine ANY other political figure doing the wild ride and not being called on it?? Mind blowing.

comeonpeople said...

Repost as having problems with site:
I once thought Scarah might have had an hysterical pregnancy. Butm after doing some research I do not think so. Her moves were way too calculated. In an hysterical pregnany a woman's body actually swells and she stops getting periods andr eally thinks she is pregnant and can look it naturally, too, also. Sarah knew exactly what she was doing, wearing throw pillows and fake bumps and scarves at her convenience. (The bump was probably baggage checked on the wild ride - couldn't risk a friskin' by security - and also no flight attendent noticed the Gusty photo size stage of pregnancy.)So, why it would be perhaps easier to chalk her faking to a serious mental illness called hysterical pregnancy - I think not. However, there are many many other psychiatric diagnoses the poor girl probably qualifies for.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Sarah was in Giddings. Texas and said she was ther for a "sisterly act"? What, the adopt Molly's child?

pacos_gal said...

Anon 5:58, I know Steve Schmidt has said they didn't know. It could of course be one of the high level staffers, (Randy) who was leaking stuff to Bill Kristol that said they knew and that it was on the vetting, or it could have just been a cover up for the fact they didn't know. Since CBS reported it now as fact, just thought everyone should be aware of that.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there an mid April snowstorm where 200 cars were off the side of the road that year? Driving would have been a nitemare to Wasilla from Anchorage.

indy_girl said...

"I also wanted time and pray and asked God silently but fervently to let everything be okay. Desperation for this baby overwhelmed me.

Please don’t let anything happen to this baby.

It occurred to me, once and for all. I’m so in love with this child, please God, protect him! After all my doubts and fears, I had fallen in love with this precious child. The worst thing in the world would be that I would lose him...."

Well, this is the point where any woman with an IQ higher than a turnip would immediately go to the nearest emergency room. Any. Emergency. Room. Ya know, ONE IN TEXAS. And skip the speech. Because this precious little baby could DIE. Get it?

But she didn't. Which tells us, someone's been makin' stuff up!

Anonymous said...

18 Nov 23:39 says "I can't believe the AMA isn't looking into the advice "supposedly" given by CBJ."

I think that's because the AMA members already know that even if CBJ did in fact deliver this baby, it *wasn't* Sarah who gave birth to him. Otherwise CBJ would have been charged with malpractice by now for the "advice" Sarah claims she gave.

Lisa in SF said...

I've been following the babygate story for some time (originally on Palin's Deceptions) but have never posted. I appreciate everyone's efforts to expose Sarah's lies to keep her out of the White House. I'm sure its been frustrating and Gryphen's latest comments had me confused... and then it clicked. I'm sure this theory has been posted somewhere but here goes...

Bristol gets pregnant with Levi's baby. Sarah, knowing McCain is considering her, cannot have a teenaged, unmarried, pregnant daughter and offers to adopt. Bristol and Levi refuse but Sarah goes rogue and her plan is hatched.

Sarah starts wearing scarves then announces her pregnancy. Bristol gives birth to TriPP (the reason for the wild ride) but he is presented as TriG, Sarah's baby.

Rumors are circulating that Bristol is the mother of Sarah's baby so the campaign announces that Bristol is five months pregnant (to silence the rumors) and Bristol fakes her pregnancy for the convention then goes into hiding.

Late December/early January, Sarah (and Todd) adopt (Bristol "gives birth") a DS baby (the new TriG). The birth mother and father are unknown. Bristol and Levi get TriPP back from Sarah. Baby swap!

It explains Bristol and Levi's attachment, Sarah and Todd's detachment, Mercede's pictures/comments, Bristol's overstuffed convention dress, why no pictures when T2 was born, why we've seen no pictures of both babies together (how cute would that be?), why no birth certificates, what Levi has on Sarah, and Gryphen's cryptic posting.

Does this make sense? Patrick... does it fit the facts that are known to you? Thoughts/revisions anyone?

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